TicWatch + Android
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1 Installing Google Fit ― https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.fitness
2 Setting up Google Fit is done as follows:
2.1 Open the program and click “Continue as…”.
2.2 Enter the data: sex, date of birth, weight, and height,
2.3 and click “Next”.
2.4 Give permission ― “Turn on” or refuse ― “No thanks” to run the program in the background and automatically track activity. Recommended option to turn this mode on.
2.5 Press “ALLOW” to confirm your permission.
2.6 Give permission ― “Turn on” or refuse ― “No thanks” to use your location. Selecting this option does not affect the operation of MOOW, so choose what suits you best.
2.7 Click on the preferred button if you have selected to turn on the use of the location.
2.9 After these steps, the main Google Fit page opens. It has information about activity duration, cardio points, steps, calories dropped, distance travelled, etc. Initially, all the data is “at zero”, but it will be updated as soon as the tracker is connected.
Here’s how to change the default fitness service on the Mobvoi TicWatch C2 or TicWatch Pro.
Make sure your TicWatch has been updated to Wear OS 2.2. Without the latest version, you won’t be able to switch the fitness tracking feature.
Swipe left to TicHealth on the watch.
Long-press on the health tile.
You’ll then be able to tell the device which health service you want to show on the face. Assuming you want Google Fit, press on the Google Fit option.
That’s really all there is to it. Google Fit itself recently got a major update that makes it a whole lot more useful for activity tracking. From the watch, you’ll be able to do access things like your “Move Minutes,” and how many more you need to reach your goal, as well as your “Heart Points,” which indicate activity that you’ve done that impacts your heart’s health.